Archive:  August, 2016

By Mak, August 31, 2016 Comments Off on Grumbleshadersgrumble… Design, Dev

As I’ve been tinkering far too much with the visual niceties of late, I decided to make a deliberate and concerted effort to concentrate on gameplay for a change. I disabled and reverted all the hacks I’d put in around… Read More »

By Mak, August 25, 2016 Comments Off on Stuck down by Eye Candy… Dev, General

Arg. So I decided to derail myself slightly (as usual) and do some polish to the Screen Space Effects system which works in conjunction with the freshly integrated Engine Flares, and found that they were – upon occasion – turning purple…… Read More »

By Mak, August 10, 2016 Comments Off on Know Your Vessels Dev, General, News

Well, perhaps not all of them đŸ˜‰ While tinkering with the View Vessel mode (so I can check markup, shaders, etc and take purdy pictures in the future), I decided to tweak it a little to load up a whole… Read More »

By Mak, August 6, 2016 2 Dev, General, News

I’ve finally gotten around to integrating the Physically Based Rendering into Dominium, along with the long parked Engine Flare system! Sadly, both suffer from ‘programmer art’ at the moment, but I’m happy it’s all now plumbed in and working, ready… Read More »

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