Whilst it’s been a dry news month – I’ve been busy behind the scenes…
Thanks to my offline Redmine workflow, I’ve busted an amazing 24 bugs this month, and logged an incredible 38.58 hours! That’s a full working week on top of the normal four working ‘real working life’ weeks! Shame I don’t get paid for the extra one 🙂
Unfortunately, Redmine doesn’t (seem) to provide a report of logged vs estimated time on a ticket, which is a shame as that’s a very interesting statistic. It would tell me if my original estimates are way off, or on target.
I’ve got 5 open bug tickets left to squish, and I’ll be a happy coder with zero bugs in Redmine! Sadly that isn’t ‘zero bugs in Dominium’ of course 🙂 But, it means all the one’s I’ve recorded to date are squished, and now I’m left with ‘incomplete features’ yet to be tackled. As a reward to myself for this dedicated bug-squishing, I’ve decided to spend some time on eye candy, I’m going to return to the procedural Nebula system and work on the ‘improved’ version I have in my head…
In other news, I’ve managed to get half way through the v1.1 edits for Insurmountable Odds, and also made some important decisions on the timeframe and core plotlines for Book Two of When Stars Fall.
More to come… !
1.1? of Insurmountable odds? does that mean 10% of the book changed? :V
i’ll have to read it again then 😉
when thinking about that the progress bar on the right there makes me sad 🙁
still eager for Dominion of course 🙂 (yes, i still call it that way and come to this page through the old URL, im that persistent of a stalker :V )
Hehe – no, nothing like 10% – but a fair few typo’s and grammar corrections unfortunately! 420 changes in all, plus a few minor narrative changes (such as venting heat to open space 😉 ) Anything above a correction captured in a change log.
As for that bar – yeh 😐 I can’t call a month of bug busting ‘progress’ sadly… but if I can keep this momentum going, I may start finally making actual progress at last!
i was more talking about the progress bar on book 2 progress, but your interpretation is also valid 😉
and bugsquashing is still progress, just not very statisfying progress when one cant feel the difference in person.
but yay, progress \o/
Well good work Mak, keep it up and you’ll finish Dominic soon enough. Been looking forward to the game since your kickstarter and really want to see you finish it.
@Cornflakes_91 – Aha, ok well – will it help if I say I already have half of Book 2 in the bag? But, I was waiting to consolidate the timeline in my head before I piece it together 🙂 and yes indeed, yay progress regardless!
@Nathan – cheers for the faith and following! It’s finally starting to feel like I can deliver something tangible soon(ish) – the trick will be the balance of ‘rough n’ ready’ but forgivable given the grand plan, vs ‘this is cack’ and causing more harm than good.