Book Update – Insurmountable Odds, edit complete!

Insurmountable Odds, Book One of When Stars Fall.

It is done.

Long have I laboured, etc. et al. I can’t tell you how damned good it felt to hit the final ‘Save’ on the document, and Wendy suggested a tweak to the closing paragraph which hit the nail on the head. And I promise, it is definitely, finally, ultimately, no more changes, no more tweaks, adjustments or refinements, done. Complete. Ready.

I have written quite a lot in the past – none of which has ever gotten to the point of being publishable (even self-publishable). I’m damned proud of Book One, I just hope it is judged ‘worthy’ by fellow sci-fi readers!

Now, on to ePub world, and deciding how I can promote this whole affair…


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