Mini Update : Buttons

Another progress update on the GUI work of late…

The Local Map is in place, and it’s inspired some more design choices which I’ll reveal when I get them in place in a video to show it all off. So far it works a treat, but needs the usual ‘polish’.

It’s logically led me to more interactive elements for the GUI, namely Buttons. So far I had a rudimentary table row / table cell setup which lets me buy/sell commodities in the trade window, but it was always a ‘make-it-work’ solution. Now I’m looking at the likes of tool bars, and enabling the auto-pilot from a button, I need to have a more general structure to allow me to click on items, toggle them on/off, and so on.

So, the past copule of week or so’s ‘spare time’ dev (about 2 hours 🙁 ) has been all about refactoring that ‘make-it-work’ code out and creating a nice new lump of code for handling various button states, and sending messages out when triggered. All the GUI is configurable from XML files at the moment, which was always the plan to make it ‘moddable’. Off the back of that I’ll collate all the messages that the GUI can issue into a list – so (eventually) the player can customise as much of the GUI as I can support.

I want to wrap up this latest GUI dev-effort before I start looking at the wider issues (like the looping NPC-autopilots!).

Other than that – I’m up to rolling in the edits for Chapter 11 of Insurmountable Odds, with Chapter 12 about to be sent out for proof reading.


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