The Evolutionary Boid – Part Four

The final chapter in this round of dev on the NPC Pilot AI;

While there is plenty of work still to do to make this ‘super awesome’ I’m well pleased with how it’s turned out.

Pilots can;

  • Scan for nearby contacts
  • Assess the threat posed by each
  • Prioritise them by threat level
  • Determine their own sense of ‘self’ – based on their speed, weaponry, defences, etc.
  • Choose whether to attack, or evade based on the enemy threat level, and their own sense of ‘self’
  • Select appropriate weaponry
  • Predict their targets future location to aim using their chosen weapon
  • Chase down their target, and evade it if too close
  • Remember past collisions/attacks and bear grudges
  • React to aggressive attack (i.e. a lot of hits in a short time frame will elevate their attackers threat level assessment)
  • Fly solo or as part of a flight/group
  • Follow their flight objectives
  • Choose their own objectives
  • Attack or defend a target
  • Possess basic ‘traits’ or characteristics which affect their decision making/capabilities

and lots more, with lots more to come.

In short, the Pirates scenario I’ve created is getting bloomin’ hard to beat 🙂


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