Having rectified the ‘oops up’ from Part One, and made a great many tweaks, improvements and changes since then, it’s time for Part Two, and let this part be slightly more successful!
Given the spirit of things was to partake in interstellar trade, I felt it only fair and proper to ‘start again’, given that we didn’t even get out of the starting system the last time!
So, without further ado…
My journey begins at Star-7786, Planetoid-53095, GStation-1, with my purchasing 1,180 odd SIS (Sulranian Imperial Sovereigns) worth of ‘Waste’ – yes, now with excitingly named commodities!
(Be warned, this is 20 minutes of my drawl… I clipped out as much fluff as I could, I hope! Grab a coffee 🙂 )
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