Relics, Artifacts, and Big Dumb Objects

Broadband resumed – hurrah! Even though in the past two weeks  BT have cancelled my order 3 times, got the package completely wrong, closed the account and reopened it all without telling me once, and then failed to deliver the modem/router, I am back online!

No more internet-withdrawal 🙂

Anyway, I’ve been slaving away on the UI this past week or so – it’s shaping up exactly as I’d hoped, but still not ready to show just yet. As soon as it is I want to spiff it up with better looking textures and fonts before doing a proper video of the Work in Progress for it.

In the meantime, I challenged Sol (again) and (again) he knocked it out of the park with the goods… I wanted “a mysterious artifact, something big”. So instead he gave me three!

Sadly, I can’t give you super-detailed screenshots – because that would give the game away! I want these to be some of the things you will discover as you explore the galaxy, and report in your discoveries!

Finding objects like these will lead to research into them (at some point) with the results being revealed in the gala-pedia, with you being credited for the discovery. Most will be BDO’s (Big Dumb Objects) with no clear purpose, and ancient / unpowered. Others may well wake up and have unexpected results, or be operational… tread carefully…

But, here are some teaser shots 😉

Dominion 2013-08-09 16-50-37-29 Dominion 2013-08-09 16-56-55-00


Ps. The galactic backdrop there is WIP/draft/placeholder 😉


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